
Home Friday... Settling In Saturday...Touring Sunday...It's over Favorites - Ugh!


Is this the bus stop here in Intercourse, PA?


The big shopping stop of the day, Kitchen Kettle.


You can't stop us from loitering here!


We spent all our money for this one bag here.


Which smile do you like best?


I heard Amish horses don't like to have their picture taken.


Regrouping for the next part of the morning tour. What to do?


Amish countryside is lots of cleared farmland and barns and silos.


Many large farms everywhere.


Even on Saturday, Becky on the right, is still in charge.


An Amish buggy, one of many we saw. Who picks up the horse droppings ??


Now it's time to eat at Good 'n Plenty


Bring on the food.. plenty of it and family style and so..o..o.. good.


Roger doing what he likes best... Puff...Ahhh


Back at the lodge.  Saturday's shopping was a success..  as you can see.


Is it time to eat and drink again? Time sure flies wh.....


This looks like a "Limp Wrist Contest".  Who won?


It was a long day ... let's talk about it.


Happiness is .......


Togetherness abounds .....


Let's get cozy.


We'll drink till the food comes.


I took some shocking pictures.... what are they worth?


"I'll hold this wall up so it doesn't fall down"


I'm working on tomorrow's shopping.


Back in the Tavern... getting carded?


These are REAL, mister!


Jeff says "I never knew this could be such fun."


Cop a cheap feel?  It's done like this.


The busiest place Saturday night.  Is this Cheer's?  Can you find Norm?


Give me this bottle or else....   I already drank it !


Shake a leg... the judge in back gives her a 5.


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